Monday, April 12, 2010

introducing…. me!

In my first blog entry, I didn’t really introduce myself.  I think this was in part due to the fact that I was getting ready to do some serious damage to some delicious ice cream, and also because it was my first blog entry and I was (not) a nervous wreck. So allow me to remedy that little faux pas, and tell just exactly who I am and what I stand for.


That might take awhile.

And, we don’t really know each other all that well yet, so I suppose I’ll start easy and give you all the surface details before I get too comfy and share all of the nitty and the gritty. I mean, you don’t just go around telling people upon your first meeting that you sometimes (more than sometimes) have entire conversations with yourself, out loud, when you’re alone, right? Or that you really are a wretched housekeeper and that when company is coming over, you just throw all the crap into your closet and REALLY hope they don’t need to borrow a pair of shoes. No, in polite society, we start small and work our way up.  So here goes-

*For the record, I’m not crazy. Not everyone who talks to themselves is crazy. I prefer terms like “creative”… “innovative”… and “entertaining”.

My name is Jenna. I’m currently 33 years old, although that is subject to change. I’m married to this guy, and have been for 6-going-on-7 years. I have four children, and two bonus sons, and they range in ages from 21 to 8. Now here’s the tricky part; do I use their actual real names, or do I make up some names? In this day and age, you can never be too careful, I think, but then again… what are the odds of someone intent on doing harm ACTUALLY finding me and ACTUALLY doing harm because I used the real names of my children? I’m not sure where I stand on this right now, I’m open to suggestions, what’s your opinion? Real names, or fake names? Until then, I just won’t call them anything. I’ll just pretend I don’t have a spouse and children, and that I’m a free-swingin’ single, with no cares or worries except myself. Except for the swinging part, because I hear you have part of a duo for that to actually work. Although, looking around me now, if I were really single, why the hell do I have so much crap, and who is that 21 year old crashed out on my couch?

And where the hell did all these stretch marks come from?

Now that I have made myself a proper introduction, I hope that clears up any confusion as to who I am. I know it did for me!

Thank you and good day.


  1. You lie. You ARE crazy. I personally love that about you. :)

  2. I'll be the other half of your swinging duo, baybee...

  3. I love your crazy...hell, I love the whole package!
