Friday, April 16, 2010

ramming speed!

Sadly, the name of my current entry is very apt. Today I managed to knock myself a good one on the head whilst talking to my husband and putting some things in the car at the same time. I wasn’t paying attention to where my head was in relation to the car door, and about knocked myself silly because of my lack of observation skills. Did it hurt? Oh, hell yeah it did. Still hurts, from my forehead down into my neck. Good one, right?

Despite that, today was actually a pretty good one. I got to spend the day with that guy I married, always a plus. He had to take the day off because he had a doctor appointment (thumbs up in the health department; all is well) and since his appointment only took about forty minutes, we had pretty much the whole day together. We breakfasted at our favorite place; I got the strawberry French toast, eggs, and bacon (YUM). We weren’t in a hurry so we were able to linger and really enjoy it, and each other. Then we went to the newly opened Khol’s to check it out; I totally love that place. I might just start making the drive to the new one rather than the one that’s geographically convenient to me because it really is that cool. All shiny and new. After that we went to purchase my son’s birthday presents at one of those big stores where such things are purchased :) He’s turning ten in a week and a day (I have very mixed emotions on this; my baby boy is going to be TEN!) and I’m very excited about what we’re getting him. He’s getting this-

And this-

(this is really for me, but don’t tell!!)

And of course, this-

(which is, rumor has it, what I should have been wearing today, apparently)

And last but not least, this-

He’s getting some other things from some other people, but I’m not sure what, exactly.

After all that shopping, we went decided that it was time to upgrade my husband’s phone- he still has the original one he got for free with our original contract. Yeah, it was time to let go and move on. And we wanted to look into getting my thirteen year old daughter a phone, too. She’s a great kid, super responsible, an excellent student (straight A’s this last time around!!) and works hard at whatever she’s asked to do. She’s been asking for a phone for awhile, so we decided to go ahead and add her to our plan. So, today we got her a phone.

I have to say, I didn’t expect to feel the way I did about it. While I knew that she would be thrilled to her toes with it, and was thrilled to my toes to give it to her… I still couldn’t help but get a little teary at how grown-up she’s getting. She was all kid when we gave it to her, and has been playing with it non-stop since we got home, but the main reason that we got it for her was so that we could be in touch with her wherever she was. Which means that yes, I have a daughter who goes places that I don’t, does things that I’m not there to oversee, and while she’s still very limited in where she can go and what she can do… she’s still not a little girl anymore, holding my hand while we tromp across the parking lot; she’s as tall as I am now, with her own sense of self.

*sigh* Who knew that getting her a phone would have such significance? Everyday it seems that I find out something else I didn’t know about being a parent.

Alright, well, that’s pretty much my day, so far. Now I have some stuff to get done before we settle in for dinner (which I have no idea what it’s going to be) and start movie nite (we do this every Friday). Tonite we’re watching Ponyo :)

Later, doods!


  1. Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day minus the head injury.

  2. I cried as you talked about your little girl growing up. I had some of those moments today too.

  3. It's so hard to watch them grow up, yet exciting at the same time. I totally feel you on this one.

  4. Yay for a great day with your love!

    You made me sad about your girl...sad. :( I get it, babe.
